Month: July 2014
Photography, Photoshoot
Sunrise Over the Atlantic
by mav • • 6 Comments
Comics, Gender & Sex, Movies
TMNT and Marketing for Dummies
by mav • • 18 Comments

So this morning, Paramount tweeted out their new Ninja Turtle movie poster and then after they got some flack, immediately pulled down the tweet and recalled the poster. Ok, three guesses… without reading anything else first (from this blog or elsewhere on the internets), what is wrong with this movie poster? (You can click on…
Photography, Photoshoot
Body by Liz
by mav • • 0 Comments
Photography, Photoshoot
Heather Dawn: Dark Angel
by mav • • 3 Comments
Pop culture
George R. R. Martin Won’t Kill Your Kid…
by mav • • 16 Comments

What kind of a heartless bastard refuses to kill a 13 year old kid? Uh… wait…. From Alas, I cannot promise you a grisly death in THE WIND OF WINTER. Those spots have already been filled by some very generous donors, and there’s a limit to how many people even I can kill. However,…
Movies, Race & Class
Dear White People…
by mav • • 10 Comments
Don’t Make Her Assume Her Ultimate Form…
by mav • • 9 Comments
Lucy Lawless to be on Agents of SHIELD
by mav • • 41 Comments

Huh… so apparently, Lucy Lawless has signed on for next season’s Agents of SHIELD. Because clearly, like George Takei, Mark Hammill and Summer Glau before her, she has realized that there is no point whatsoever to taking any role that can’t raise her autograph fee at comicons is useless and to be avoided at all costs. And…
Klingons are going to hell… uh….
by mav • • 25 Comments
Website Reviews
Which Bathroom
by mav • • 1 Comment
Photography, Politics, Technology
Yeah, duh… of course the NSA is watching you…
by mav • • 3 Comments

So the Guardian scored an interview with Edward Snowden this week and as expected he said a lot of stuff about his claims of the illicit behind the scenes activaty of the NSA. Of course, this is the internet, so everyone ignored all the black ops espionage stuff, his talking about the poor encryption that corporations use, his description…
Fantasy Casting Black Superhero Movies
by mav • • 20 Comments

So during my rant the other day on why I think Falcon SHOULDN’T become Captain America, I had a sidebar tangent about Truth: Red, White & Black, a brilliant graphic novel wherein Captain America finds out that in order to refine the Super Soldier Serum, the US Military experimented on 300 expendable black soldiers because, you…
Comics, Movies
Why movie people who aren’t Kevin Feige are idiots.
by mav • • 9 Comments

Originally I was going to say that was making a story out of nothing here, but they really aren’t. Kevin Feige refuses to move Captain America 3’s release date to not conflict with Batman vs. Superman on the same day… uh… right… why should he? Feige’s response is perfect too, but it’s also very…