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Category: Website Reviews

drunken photoshoots

This is a weird thing that keeps showing up in my feed even though I know that it came out over a year ago. But every time it comes up, I look at it and say… I want to do this!!! It’s a series from Marcos Alberti. He calls it “The Wine Project” and it’s fucking…

Why digital humanities are sexy…

Ok, let’s say you’re a guy who’s spent most of your adult life carving out a career for yourself as a user experience designer and information specialist. You build a nice little life designing enterprise software solutions and websites for Fortune 500 companies. You’re not rich, but you’re comfortably entrenched in the middle class with a respectable disposable…

Gay Men reading 50 Shades of Grey

I want to issue a very sincere public thank you to Amber Love and through her the Huffington Post, for showing me what is clearly the best thing on the internet ever. I’ve enjoyed reading since I was about two years old. 38 years. It’s been a good run. Well it’s over now. I…