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Category: TV

The Fictional Complaint Department

I’m teaching a class called “Written Professional Communication” at the University of Pittsburgh. Amongst other things it’s about… well, communicating professionally in writing. Currently we’re working on “responding to complaints”. In order to generate some complaint s to respond to I instructed my students to write a complaint letter as though they lived in the fictional universe of their choosing:

On Christian Book Publishing?

As has been the standard for my summer of adjunct online teaching I’ve basically spent every waking moment this weekend grading papers. Wheee!!! So it’s possible that there’s been some erosion of my already tentative grasp on sanity. You know… it’s possible. So anyway, I was taking a break from grading to eat lunch with…

Mavademics: Dirty Sexy Disney

Once again, I’ve decided to show off how fun my job is by posting some of my dissertation thoughts for comment and feedback from others. Fun, fun, fun! And like if you don’t think basically helping me with my homework is fun, you’re wrong. Because today’s topic is something that you’ve been dying to talk…

Punk’d Presidential Edition

Ok… That’s it. I give up. I admit it. Donald Trump is smarter than I am. He’s smarter than you are. He’s smarter than all of us. It’s not that I don’t disagree with him on policy (which I do). It’s not that I think he says stupid and/or offensive stuff pretty often (he does). It’s not that…

Sweet Christmas!!!

I am a black man, born in the 1970s, who grew up as such a comic book nerd that I decided to go out and get a Ph.D in it. Today, Luke Cage has his own TV series. I just got home from work, so I have not watched a single episode yet. More so…

Protest Movements – Fashion Edition

So obviously something horrible happened with the mass shooting in Dallas yesterday. And as I predicted when in my last post, that pretty much meant that my renewed faith in humanity could shrivel up and die. If Micah Johnson proved anything he proved that racist killings are not limited to white people and not limited…