So if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you might know that I started a podcast a couple months ago, primarily with Wayne Wise and Katya Gorecki (but also a rotating cast of other people) devoted to pop culture. VoxPopcast (or Vox Populorum… we gave it two names, but everyone seems to be focusing…
Category: Photography
Photography, Photoshoot
Drunken Photoshoots: Theresa
by mav • • 22 Comments
Photography, Photoshoot
Photoshoot: You’ll Float Too – with Brooke
by mav • • 5 Comments
Photography, Photoshoot, Pop culture
WVPopCon 2017 cosplay photos, part deux
by mav • • 0 Comments
Another con has come and gone and I am exhausted as always. Thanks to Max and Steph for all the help. Anyway, just like yesterday, we did some cosplay photos in our booth and I thought I’d share them here. The Imperial Stormtrooper probably requires some explanation. He came by the booth and was excited…
Photography, Photoshoot, Pop culture
WVPopCon 2017 cosplay photos
by mav • • 1 Comment
Photography, Photoshoot
The August Moon
by mav • • 20 Comments
Photography, Website Reviews
drunken photoshoots
by mav • • 48 Comments
Photography, Photoshoot
Chelsey: The Ring of Fire
by mav • • 9 Comments
Once upon a time I used to take photos regularly. Then grad school happened. It turns out grad school is not terribly conducive to free time for side careers. Whodathunk, right? Anyway, I was contacted by the lovely and talented Chelsey to shoot some promo photos for her hula hooping performance art business. And like if you’re…
Academics, Comics, Gender & Sex, Photography
Mav’s Costumes and Cosplay class Post-mortem
by mav • • 40 Comments
Way back when I started teaching my Sex, Violence and Comics class, the students actually requested a class focusing on cosplay. Then a couple days ago I asked for people’s thoughts on the homework that I’d be giving for that class. We did it on Halloween. Some people asked if I could share some of…
Academics, Comics, Photography
Mav’s Class Planning Outsourcing: Cosplay and Halloween Edition
by mav • • 26 Comments
So, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, a couple of my students requested that we have a lesson on costumes and cosplay on Halloween. Since that’s theoretically a lot of the research I’m doing for my dissertation and because frankly it just sounded fun, I agreed. Now I’m putting together that assignment and lesson plan.…
Comics, Movies, Photography
Cosplay For Kids
by mav • • 7 Comments
I started the PCA/ACA paper I did last year with an anecdote about a little girl that I met at Baltimore Comicon a couple years ago. She was three years old and dressed as Harley Quinn. Here’s an excerpt from the story: In September of 2012, while attending Baltimore Comic Con, I met a three-year-old…