Day 529 of 365 More.
I love when I come home and there is a package from Amazon. It’s like Christmas.
Today I came home to discover that the mailman had brought my Batman and Spiderman training manuals. Just what I need to continue my journey to becoming a superhero. Lessons on crafting your costume, escaping from supervillains, swinging from building to building, taking a kick to the head, and yes Shannon, even how to train a sidekick.
The only question is which one do I want to read first?
I need to figure it out soon, because I only have til my birthday to be good. Because i still intend to become a supervillain then.
You are so awesome.
Amazon deliveries complelely make my day!!
I’d love to know how to make a super hero costume.. 😉
@jessi.: 🙂 Thank you.
@Jah Lovely: Heh. Maybe I’ll have to post a tutorial. But really, would you want to cover up all your great tattoos?
awww. and all I got in the mail today was the beads I ordered last week. Oh wait, Sparklies!!! 🙂
I think you should read Spiderman first… in case there’s time-sensitive tips for locating radioactive spiders. Batman’s just all about training, he doesn’t have so much of the superpower.
They have training manuals?
I know one has superpowers and the other is just a real smart, ich guy who stays in shape, I’ve wondered if their approaches to similar situations would be different. But Spidey don’t need no sidekick.
Um…. how hard is it to be a sidekick? You just wear underpants on the outside of your tights and distract all the supervillian boys
I want to be spidey, so… you be Bats. 🙂
@mickeysacks: the thing is, I sort of feel like becoming Batman is more achievable. Becoming Spiderman relies on a lot of random chance.
@DeHoll: a lot of each book is just practical knowledge. In reality, they aren’t so much about spidey or bats. They’re just gimmicks?
@spresogna: volunteering, hun? We really should do a superhero shoot one of these days.
@Stephen Poff: I’ll link both books to where you get them on amazon if you want.
this shot is sooooo cool
do they do a ‘for dummies’ version? I could totally get into ‘how to become a superhero for dummies’
lesson one – don’t be evil
lesson two – be super etc etc
I’d go with batman first he wears his underwear on the outside and that kinda cooky!
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called The SuperMales, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
@disco~stu: Hmm, that’s not a bad idea for a book. Maybe I should write it. I’ve never been much of one for the underwear on the outisde thing though.
@fredfischborn: sure… why not?
go BATMAN…it is more my bag… but nothing wrong with a lil Spidey
@espressoDOM: hey… I’d be happy to be either.