ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: August 2004

on being a teenager again…

Jammy Jam is tomorrow (actually, today, in like 20 hours… wow) and it will commemorate my 30th birthday. Damn, I’m old. Well nothing can make one feel young like doing a nice little survey meme that one steals from a 17 year old, in this case, the lovely and delightful jazzyjess. 1. Who are you?…

on this weekend…

There’s a wrestling show tonight, so I won’t be at Happy Hour (just in case anyone is looking for me). Nonetheless, Jammy Jam is tomorrow. Everyone should come to that. The prizes will be awesome this year. Anyone have an beer suggestions? To keg or not to keg? What brand?

super freak no more…

ladies and gentlemen, may I please have a moment of silence for Rick James. He’s all right He’s all right Rick James is all right… with me… Thank you. EDIT: And don’t go telling me that Rick James only matters because of the Chappelle show skit from last season. My people love Rick James. Rick…

on needing a dress-up doll…

in which Mav displays his inner gay man once again… so, once upon a time, I did a makeover project with the goal of changing a quintessential geek into a quintessential studmuffin. I did this for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was, well, I was kinda bored. The project was deemed…

Protected: on careers, computers and cumpleaños

Oh look, its a rare friends only post. One where I will issue 1555 words of free flowing self assessment, self loathing and self doubt: So once upon a time, more than 12 years ago (Jay-Z, have I gotten old) I decided that despite CMU recruiting me for it, and despite everyone and their brother…