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Tag: shopping


Day 1204 of 365 4 lyf. So it’s Black Friday. The first day of the Christmas shopping season. I actually really like shopping, like a whole lot. My mother and my grandmother drilled into me at a very young age that you never ever ever pass up a good sale. But I’m just not the…


Day 1164 of 365 4 lyf. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Yay shopping! Went to Barnes and Noble today. That building is way to fucking dangerous. We actually just went in to get a present for Steph’s brohter’s birthday. I left having spent $80 on myself. I swear, I didn’t mean to. I have no idea what…


Day 893 of 365 Again. I did my little rant on the inauguration yesterday. So if you’re looking for me to talk about that, look there. Steph stayed home sick from work today and asked me to stop at the grocery store and pick up some stuff on my way home. I was only getting…


Day 821 of 365 Again. Note to all grocery store owners. Jelly is not Jam. Jam is a yummy fruit product that is full fo all of nature’s goodness and wonder. Jelly is a travesty. Please do not mix them together. Please do not think that because there are 100 jars of jelly on the…


Day 769 of 365 Again. So today was Mikey’s last day of 2 consecutive years of 365. A milestone that very few people ever achieve. A bunch of people did jumping shot tributes to Mikey. Not my style. At least not today. However, Mikey and I were talking about photography books the other day, and…


Day 232 of 365 days. Steph and I went to Ikea to pick out some furniture for our new bedroom. We did not get a couch, but the craziest thing happened when I was snapping this picture and so I just had to use it. While we were sitting there, waiting for the auto timer…

pittsburgh pedestrian

pittsburgh pedestrian

Homo Sapiens Alleghenius from the Pittsburgh region of Pennsylvania, USA. Indigenous Pittsburghers are among the most pedestrian peoples on the planet. While they certainly possess the physical capability to operate motor vehicles, many go their entire lives without ever receiving instructions to do so. While several will use communal transportation, it is not uncommon for them to travel through walking.

Homo Sapien Alleghenius is a mostly omnivorous creature, though like this specimen they prefer gathering to hunting. Both genders are capable of mating at any point throughout the year and females give live birth. The population typically dwells in structures of their own creation in either the mountains or by their environment’s numerous rivers.

For the Class with Dave group. Assignment: National Geographic style picture of somebody in their natural habitat.


Day 37 of 365 days. And I am now 10% complete. How terribly exciting. Went shopping today. Didn’t buy anything but I spent a lot of time looking at digital SLR cameras. I am feeling very good about the Canon EOS 400D Digital Rebel XTi, and that could very well be the camera that I…