Decided I wanted to do a little bit of digital painting style experimentation… so I drew up a quick sketch of Harley Quinn and tried painting it in a few different styles… Would love to know what people like best.
Decided I wanted to do a little bit of digital painting style experimentation… so I drew up a quick sketch of Harley Quinn and tried painting it in a few different styles… Would love to know what people like best.
Don’t ‘t see much difference between digital and posterized, but both are better than scribble, which just looks unfinished. Having said that, I think the scribble might be the most interesting technique to explore and refine. If you do so you might try using harder/less round brushes for things like her thighs where the edges look rough but also very photoshoppy.
Thanks…. the posterized vs digital is… well posterized. It’s probably easier to see if you click on them to get the lightbox expansion…
Huh…I tried that and it just opened the little picture on a new page. But I tried it again just now and got lightbox. Ok. Slight preference for posterized.
yeah… that’s because I screwed up and I fixed it right away… but you happened to view it like less than 10 seconds after I posted it.
Very cool man!
Opinions about which style is best?
I like the third one best, but like the contrast of the fourth if that makes sense?
I like the look of the scribble…. but think HQ is not the more pastel type despite me liking it better. Of Digital vrs posterized, i like the lack of lines on digital. Each of them would work depending on the mood you want to create.