ChrisMaverick dotcom

Zivity Preview: Leave Me Be

leaves-7So there was this new model that I wanted to work with,
Kat. We had ideas for a couple sets (those will be coming
up later) but we really wanted to do the Zivity PJs prize contest.

The problem is we didn’t really have an idea. I wanted
to do something a little different than just having her lounging around
on a bed. Something, I don’t know, unique. The problem is that I had no
idea what that would be.

Then one morning, I happened to look
out my bathroom window after a shower and I saw that the leaves were
beginning to change color and fall from the trees. My backyard was
covered and the golden yellow color of the bed of leaves reminded me of
sexykitten’s hair.

Bed of Leaves? That’s it!

It was
perfect. We chose a purple nightie for her to wear as I thought that
really set off both her hair color and the leaves and I shot the set
with a very soft focus and warm lighting. I just like the mood of autumn
it presents. I hope you do too.

the funny story part. I have some annoying neighbors. Lots of kids
running around. Making noise, screaming, being kids. In fact, while I
was shooting this in my backyard, there were 6-10 kids playing kickball
in the middle of the street in the front.

Most of the
neighborhood is used to me having half naked girls parading around as I
shoot them all the time. But I guess this woman had never noticed. So
anyway, just as we were finishing up the shoot (in my own backyard, mind
you), she walks up and starts yelling at me “could you do that
somewhere else?”

“Do what?” I said.

“There are children out here. You shouldn’t be doing that here.”

leaves-21I looked at Kat, who as you can see, is about the least
scandalously dressed of any set I’ve ever shot. All I could think is
“you’re kidding right?”

“This is my property!” I told the woman.

“Well, yes, but my kids can look into your yard from mine. And they like to play out here in all the yards”

tell them not to look.” At this point I was just trying to not out and
out laugh at her. Did she really think that I shouldn’t be shooting sexy
CLOTHED pictures in my yard, because sometimes her kids liked to
trespass on my land, and she’d hate for them to see an attractive woman
while they were, you know, breaking the law?

“Well, you shouldn’t be shooting pictures like that anyway.”

I’d continued shooting this entire time. And in fact, was pretty much
done with the shoot, so I told her. “Tell you what, I’ll make you a
deal. You tell the kids to never come back in my yard ever again and
I’ll stop right now.”

“Well, they’re not just my kids though.” As though that somehow made it alright.

“well, that’s the deal take it or leave it.”

So she stomped away and yelled at her kids. We on the other hand laughed at her and went on to our next shoot.


my neighbors are crazy. So here’s your magical incentive. Vote for the
set a million times. Buy my prints and my photography books. Hell just
give me money. Once I have enough I will buy a new house far far far
away from all the crazy people. A nice huge ranch where I can shoot half
naked pretty girls all day long and no one will ever complain. I will
be much happier, my hair will stop turning gray, and I won’t freak out
and murder any of my neighbors. You’ll be doing the world a valuable

You know, or don’t and one day I’ll kill someone in my
neighborhood with my bare hands. That might be amusing for you too.
You’ll be like “Oh Wow! Mav finally snapped! We knew it would happen

In any case, please enjoy the set and let me know what you think.


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