Day 1275 of 365 4 lyf.
So apparently it was in fact pointless to keep trying to shovel the snow yesterday. I woke up this morning to find that my house had been magically transported to the Antarctic overnight.
Two and a half feet of snow. It was night time before the plow got to our house and even then they didn’t do much. We live on a hill so the city just decided to leave us for dead.
That said, Steph and did have some fun taking pictures and getting into a snowball fight with some neighborhood kids.
That damn city! Plowing out the major roads first and leaving you stranded hundreds of feet from the nearest supermarket! Frankly, I don’t know why you pay taxes to the bozos.
sui66iy: hundreds of feet, up a hill, in the snow, dammit!!!
Oh you’re so Cool! er, um Cold. {snort}