ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: winter

Day 2: 1-2-12

Day 2: 1-2-12

Day 2 of the New Era

So, I was wondering if I had a day 2 in me. I had insomnia last night. (pretty common for me). I was tired, so I tried to go to sleep at 12:30. It didn’t go so well. I was up til 4:30. I’ve been doing a lot of reconsidering my life options lately. Details I don’t particularly want to go into publicly jus yet. In any case, basically I came up with nothing… I simply managed to not sleep and get myself nice and tired. Which means I woke up tired. Which means I didn’t really have much creativity in me. So I was thinking, huh… this is going to be pretty lame right from the start.

But luckily, it didn’t so much matter so much. Its snowing pretty hard for the first time this winter. The bad news is that’s going to mean shoveling. The good news, well, it gave me something representative of my day. Old man winter it is.

Sometimes it’s nice when you don’t have to actually think about anything. Here’s to being able to come up with a day 3.

Crossposted to my blog


Day 1297 of 365 4 lyf. You know what’s great? Working with a new model. Yes there’s some awkwardness to it, but it’s also nice to have a total new energy to draw from when creating. Shot with Christy Lee today, and by today, I pretty much mean ALL DAY. From noon til about 8.…


Day 1282 of 365 4 lyf. You know, with this much snow still on the ground, it’s amazing that I didn’t try to build a snowman before. Well, we fixed that today. Trixie came by for a shoot and Steph was nice enough to help us build the snowman to be used as a prop.…


Day 1278 of 365 4 lyf. I really wish I had gotten around to getting gas logs for my main fireplace. But I haven’t. So after a long day of shoveling show, I warm up on the electric one Steph and I bought a while back. Quite toasty. 365 days


Day 1277 of 365 4 lyf. So after yesterday’s shot, Steph and I went over to a friend’s house to watch the game. Luckily the power was back on by the time we got back. However, it’s unstable. It’s gone off a couple times since. I did get some shoveling done. Dug out my car…


Day 1276 of 365 4 lyf. There’s more than two feet of snow on the ground. It’s freezing. It’s Superbowl Sunday. The game starts in ten minutes. So wouldn’t right now be the worst time ever for the power to go out. Yeah, I thought so. That’s why it happened. 365 days