ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: September 25, 2009

G20-Protest 1

G20-Protest 1

The G20 summit was held in Pittsburgh. As can be expected, if the 20 most powerful people on the planet are all in one city making a big to do, people will flock from 100s of miles to protest in front of them.

I was working yesterday when all the good dangerous protests happened, but there was still a major police presence (and something of a protestor presence) downtown today. Something like that happens and you aren’t drawn there to capture it, you’re not a real photographer.

Edit: funny story, this cop, who’s name is Walter, actually tracked me down and called my house to have this picture mailed to him. He’s from Milwaukee. Seemed like a really nice guy.

white rose

white rose

Ooh look, Mav is posting a pic of a flower. Isn’t it pretty? Maybe I’ll make explore!

Actually I just happened to notice that for some reason one of our rose bushes bloomed a new rose today. All the others have fallen off and died for the fall, but for some reason one just happened to sprout and I thought I’d take a picture.

I have a bunch of G20 protest pictures to post. They’ll be up later or tomorrow, but this seemed like something nice to put up in the meanwhile.