Day 1093 of 365 Again.
I really don’t wrestle that much. Thank god. I don’t think I could take much more than I do. I had a BDW show tonight. I wrestled in a battle royal and then an hour later I had a singles match. Didn’t win either but I had fun. Somewhere in the singles match I tweaked my bad shoulder and I banged my head on the mat during a back suplex so my head and neck hurt.
So I got home around 15 minutes before midnight, and of course the first thing I thought was that I had to take a picture still. But my body wouldn’t let me set anything up. In fact all my body told me loud and clear that the only thing I was allowed to do was climb into a nice warm hottub.
Luckily I have one of those for just such and occasion. Hottubs are a certified gift from god. I have no idea how other people get through the night.
660 mg Ibprofen and alcohol. Thank god for the indies.