ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: October 2003

on my technology disruption field 10′ radius…

things broken: ignition switch in Vagabond (long standing problem, very expensive to fix, just been dealing with it) gas guage in Vagabond (long standing problem, barely even care) driver side power window in Vagabond (this is irritating, just stopped working yesterday. At least its broken in up position, probably worry about it after winter) 3rd…

on talking smack as a wrestler…

my most recent training diary entry is up, now with a much better picture of me (i think). It also mentions Joy thinking about trying out for the class. 10 points to whoever can identify the quote I used at the end (and it doesn’t count if I already told you I was gonna do…

It’s Friday, lets do some memes!

The Friday Five 1. Name five things in your refrigerator. Bread. Grape Jam. Bacon. Muffin Dough. Salvation of Men’s Souls (Beer) 2. Name five things in your freezer. Hot Pockets. Ice. Veal Patties. Shrimp Rice Bowl. Enlightenment of Men’s Souls (Vodka) 3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. Windex. Dishwasher Detergent. Steel Wool. All…

on new technology

so, my aluminum Powerbook arrived today. Didn’t mention it earlier, because I didn’t want beststephi to know that I had ordered it and was giving her the iBook. Pretty happy with it so far. Things of note: slightly smaller than the iBook. Didn’t realize that, welcome surprise very much faster thus far have not experienced…

my life as a wrestler, week 14

practice went well. Learned how to give the Firemen’s Carry. Its amazing how a move that looks so simple can be so hard to do. Took the class a while, but I think we all got it pretty good. Still need to work on it a bit. Like everything. Right now, so long as I…

more mcguffincomix stuff…

asking here because some people still don’t seem to be watching the community. anisodragnfly, we knew was planning to be late. jameel, ludimagist, and theadana, are you guys going to post story treatments? Also, sui66iy, max1975 and I did post ideas, so people should comment on them.

I’m not getting email…

so apparently firey death rained all over my mail server sometime last night, and it will likely be down for the rest of the day. I should still be getting email queued up, so I won’t miss it, but I won’t be able to read anything til probably tomorrow (hopefully). So if you have something…

on compliment fishing…

actually, I’m not really… I’m comment fishing. This is a serious question, and not intended to seem nearly as egotistical as its gonna sound, so I’m curious as to where people are going to lean here. I’ve had random conversations on the nature of attractiveness with people before. Most recently, like 2 minutes ago, with…

on fantasy football (addendum)

So I needed 5 from Torry Holt and a quick calculation of his stats for this game leads me to believe I’ll be scoring… da da da… carry the one… 22 points! woohoo! Which incidentally is what the 3 guys (Garrison Hearst, Charlie Garner and Keyshawn Johnson) I traded for him combined to score. woohoo!…

where’s my bitchez?!?!

So, as I was saying earlier, I went to pass out flyers for the IWC at Mellon Arena with some of the other wrestlers. Before we started passing out flyers we were just hanging out talking: — Wrestler 1: So Mav, I saw those pictures on your website. Where do you find so many hot…