ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: October 3, 2003

on Dance Dance Revolution

got DDR MAX2… so either the new game is more than a little bit harder or its just been waaaayyyyy too long since I’ve played… the jury is still out. I do really like it though. At least the 6 songs I have played on it. Including the one and only DJ Sammy!!! Whoo! I…

my life as a bum, day 2

Wheee… I now have DDR MAX2!!! DJ Sammy, here I come! Not much going on today, will probably go to Silky’s later, of course, if anyone is looking to hang out with me. This weekend I’ll be working another wrestling show. I’m still months away from being an actual wrestler but I should be working…

my life as a wrestler, week 12

good practice today. For once I was relatively free of bone head mistakes. My hiptoss, while still needing work, is looking much better, if I do say so myself… and I do. And really, everything needs work, right? Exactly. Anyway, I did get better at foot placement for it, and I’m much better at taking…