ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: July 26, 2003

on Spy Kids 3-D and other stuff…

so, I finally went and saw Spy Kids 3-D with beststephi and sui66iy. I won’t go so far as to say it was awful. In fact, I actually enjoyed myself, but without the 3-D gimmick, I think the movie might have in fact been unwatchable. The gimmick was cute, but the film pretty much was…

on not doing what I said I was going to…

So I never got around to seeing Spy Kids 3 (trying for a matinee sometime on Saturday if anyone else is interested). Instead, went shopping with beststephi for nice clothes for her conference next week. While at the mall we were accosted by one of those “hey, wanna take a survey?” type people. We said…