I went to the new arcade on the southside today. I don’t know that it has a name other than the Josephine street arcade. It’s quite a bit nicer inside than one would give it credit for looking at it from the outside. There was a pretty good assortment of new and old games, pool…
Day: June 6, 2003
The highly addictive interview meme…
by mav • • 7 Comments
As lifted from yannaboo. I will probably post again once sui66iy also sends me questions… Anyway, this is me: First the rules: If you want me to interview you–post a comment that simply says, “Interview me.” I’ll respond with questions for you to take back to your own journal and answer as a post. Of…
The Friday Five (remix)
by mav • • 0 Comments
Now usually I don’t do this… but go on head on break em off with a little preview of the remix. 1. What do you most want to be remembered for? When people ask me what I did with my life, I’ll say I hated L. L. and I carried a big knife. 2. What…