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Tag: Virginia


Day 1296 of 365 4 lyf. Did a shoot with VIrginia today in the woods for Zivity’s Sarah Palin lookalike contest. Been looking forward to this for a long time. One good thing about the crap ton of snow we’ve been getting is that it’s pretty easy to make Pittsburgh look like Alaska. The bad…



I was waiting for this one for so long. Zivity had a contest for "Sarah Palin" spoof. I HAD to enter that one. I knew exactly who I wanted to be in it from the very beginning too. Virginia had the perfect look to pull it off and it worked well. And hey, how many girls do you know who are willing to strip and roll around in the snow during a blizzard? Ok, actually it turns out I know like three, but you get my point, right?

See the whole set over at Zivity. And really, go check this one out. Maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever shot.



I was waiting for this one for so long. Zivity had a contest for "Sarah Palin" spoof. I HAD to enter that one. I knew exactly who I wanted to be in it from the very beginning too. Virginia had the perfect look to pull it off and it worked well. And hey, how many girls do you know who are willing to strip and roll around in the snow during a blizzard? Ok, actually it turns out I know like three, but you get my point, right?

See the whole set over at Zivity. And really, go check this one out. Maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever shot.



Virginia and Nelson have been bugging me to process this picture since I took it. I can’t really complain, it was like a month ago. But I’ve been busy. Anyway, I wasn’t sure at first but after spending some time editing it, I love it.


Day 772 of 365 Again. First of all, I guess, apologies to anyone who reads this over the RSS feed instead of on flickr. RSS feeds don’t have safety filters, so If you’re reading this on your work computer and are promptly getting fired… well, she’s hot enough that it’s worth it right? Anyway after…