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Tag: orange


Day 307 of 365 days. Little known fact. The bible doesn’t actually mention what the forbidden fruit is. Most people just assume its an apple. But it doesn’t say that anywhere. I like to think it was a clementine. Why? Because clementines are just too perfect. They’re like sweet, little, baby oranges. Allow me a…



In order to get my official cool kid designation for the Class With Dave group, I had to actually do all three assignments (last week, I cheated and did all four assignments in one picture). This was the first picture I thought of when we got the new assignments, but I didn’t get around to taking it til today.

I love clementines. They’re like eating little baby oranges. Baby versions of food are always so good. Baby Corn. Veal. Clementines. I wonder if I can get baby chocolate somewhere.


Day 98 of 365 days. Another one of those days where I decided I might try something new and different. Another one of those new and different ideas that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted but is at least somewhat interesting. I think it may even be better than the original idea. So this…