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Tag: mavshotwomens


Day 1156 of 365 4 lyf. Morgan was booked on an all women’s wrestling show in the Cleveland Flats and asked me to come along. Always nice to go back "home" so i tagged along and ended up being part of the only "mens" match on the show (the two guys in the match are…


Day 1149 of 365 4 lyf. So I had a whole big concept shoot in mind today, but as stated in yesterday’s pic UPS fucked me over, so I had to cancel that. *sigh* So instead, Steph, Trixie and I went shopping and did a litle mini shoot later. I decided to induct both of…


Day 1094 of 365 Again. Steph came to me the other day and asked me to do a photoshoot for her. Given how many photos I take and the fact that she lives with me, one might think that’s pretty normal, but you might notice that I don’t post many pictures of her. Well, that’s…


Day 1086 of 365 Again. That party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it. I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked Drink my beer and smoke my weed But my good friends are all I need Pass out at three wake up at ten Go out to…


Day 1070 of 365 Again. I continue to live in two different worlds. Long day at work, with the project I’m working on moving slower than I really want it to. Then as soon as I was done, I rushed off to do a photoshoot. It was fun, I had only a loose idea before…


Day 1055 of 365 Again. So I spent my evening on the roof of an undisclosed location in downtown Pittsburgh shooting pictures of a cute naked girl. Why undisclosed? Well, we weren’t really supposed to be able to go up there. But sometimes, well, let’s just say, sometimes you know people who can get stuff…


Day 1043 of 365 Again. I took the day off today. I needed it. I wonder how one gets one of those snazzy jobs where they work like three days a week but still get enough money to get by. Anyway, I slept in and then went to a local strip club, Cheerleaders, for a…


Day 1024 of 365 Again. Now this was fun. So, back when I shot the Maverick School for Wayward Girls, my friend, Morgan, from wrestling saw them and wanted me to shoot new gimmick pictures for her (that’s what we call our 8x10s that we sell to fans). She had never done any real modeling…


Day 1000 of 365 Again. 1000 Days! Unbelievable. I had actually intended to do a big shot about it being the 1000th day today, but I didn’t have time because right after work I drove out to the ‘burbs to do a shoot. My fourth (and final) of the week. It was a great time.…


Day 999 of 365 Again. 1 day short of 1000. 1 shoot short of my 4 for the week. Lizz came over tonight to shoot her tarot card. We actually shot two, so now I’m in the weird place where I have to edit both and then decide which one I want to use. I…


Day 998 of 365 Again. Welcome to Maverick University. Maverick University is a fine, non-accredited, women-only institution of higher learning devoted to the furthering of education for intelligent, talented, able-bodied young women. We employ only the finest instructors, such as myself. The curriculum is tough yet fair and will teach you everything you need to…


Day 982 of 365 Again. Back! Long Long Long Long drive. We had a nice and fun trip, but it’s good to be home. I probably put a good 800 miles on my car this weekend between wrestling on friday, then getting steph from the airport then taking amaya out to DC and back. On…


Day 954 of 365 Again. My crazy constant photoshoot month continues. This time it was off to do a cyberpunk shoot with Chaste and Merci Rae. I’ve actually known them both for a few years, but this is the first time I had ever gotten around to shooting Merci. Funny how that works. Of course,…


Day 939 of 365 Again. I haven’t done a photoshoot in a couple months. Partly because I’ve been really busy and partly because just nothing has been coming up. That changed today. Newt, a new model I’m working with, and I spent the day together and got 650 shots taken. We did some stuff for…


Day 843 of 365 Again. Steph has been bugging me the last couple of years to do Christmas cards with her. Usually she buys a few and gives them to family, but I think she wants to be one of those people who has like a big to-do about it. Making a whole big list,…