Day 67 of 365 days.
I actually kind of had this idea on my own, but then I saw that someone else had done it as well, so this is a
I had been thinking of doing this for the last week or so. I just hadn’t had a good moment to really sit down and do it. I don’t even know how this came to me, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Actually, I was hoping to come up with another photo that had something to do with blogging so I could use it for a rant I want to do in my blog, but instead I think I’ll just stick with this. The middle picture is a little blurrier than I’d like, but I didn’t realize that until after I had taken the tripod down and I really didn’t want to retake it. In any case, I’m more pleased with it than most of my recent pictures. Lately I’ve just been sick of taking photos of myself. I need more models to break up the monotony. Oh well, only 298 days to go.
ah yes…i had this idea a while back and did it too…just not for the group b/c i didn’t have a way of making a triptych–only a "polaroid collage" with picasa. see no evil , hear no evil and speak no evil . Also Cirkusprinsesse did this series over a course of 3 days.
now i’ve got the pse 2.0 and i loaded it tonight…but don’t expect anything fantastic from me anytime soon….that is a helluva program to filter through!
I like your version a lot!!!
methinks my day011 also qualifies, although i was lazy and did it in one shot 😉
I love it. I think you may have done it better than me!
Great job, Mav.
So cool!!
@jen: yeah, I actually have been wanting to do a polaroid collage by hand with photoshop, I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
@wim: Hmmm… looks more like you’re before a firing squad.
@dottie: Thanx
@marcela: 🙂
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Three Wise Monkeys, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
@ThunderChild5: added. Thank you.
Your welcome