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Tag: pumps

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 1

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 1

Someone posted a contest on Zivity for the best "Cliche photoshoot ideas" and specifically mentioned a possibility as sexy school girl sets. Anyone who knows me, knows that I was literally born for this one.

So as soon as it went up I knew that I had a photoshoot with Yi (MM#1093999) all ready to go.

If you don’t have a zivity account and want me to give you a trial invite, let me know, or just go over there to check them out now.



Trix, a wrestling friend of mine, wanted sexy but tasteful pics to sell to her fans so she called me up and we did a shoot. Came up with some really good stuff. Even with no real previous modeling experience i think she did great.



Sarah and I put together a shoot for Zivity. We’re their special Christmas feature. Go us!

The full set will be up on Zivity on Christmas day (you’ll have to join their site to see it), but there’s no way I couldn’t share at least a few teasers with my loyal flickr fans.