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Tag: hiddenface


Day 1300 of 365 4 lyf. Bet you thought I’d given up on 365 huh? Nope. Haven’t even missed a day. Just been way too bust to upload. Trying to catch up on posting now. On day 1300, I didn’t really have a story. I just sort of wanted to take a studio shot because…


Day 1267 of 365 4 lyf. Welcome to a Pittsburgh winter. Had a shoot tonight in an "undisclosed location" with Trixie. It was 8 degrees outside and I was quite happy to be out of it when we were done. Now see sooner or later she’s gonna come in here and complain about how she…


Day 1200 of 365 4 lyf. Sometimes you have to love technology. This picture wasn’t taken with my macro lens on my DSLR. It wasn’t even taken with the macro setting on my point and shoot. I almost never do straight out of camera, the quality on a simple shot directly out of my iPhone…


Day 1197 of 365 4 lyf. How did we exist in this world before bluetooth? I honestly don’t remember. I find it really hard to work without background noise, so I tend to keep my headphones on and listen to my iPhone the entire day at work. The only problem is that the wire gets…


Day 1187 of 365 4 lyf. This is so weird. I could swear I posted this last night but this morning it wasn’t there. I guess I was tired. Anyway, I didn’t really have a good shot idea, and then I thought, oh well… macro photography day again. Only, I just checked, and I haven’t…


Day 1186 of 365 4 lyf. You know the only thing that sucks about the Steelers beating the Broncos tonight? The Broncos already lost last week, so we didn’t get the honor of breaking their undefeated streak. Oh well. A win is a win. 365 days


Day 1165 of 365 4 lyf. Arthritis. Getting old sucks. Except it’s not even being old. My knuckles have frozen up ever since I can remember. Honestly, people cracking their joints on purpose may be one of the most annoying habits on earth. But that said, it really sucks when you’re just sitting there typing…


Day 1160 of 365 4 lyf. Ok, yeah. I know no one cares about the app and my silly little iphone pictures, but I’m totally fascinated by it. There’s so little you can do with it, and I’m obsessed with trying to make it as cool as possible. Ok, maybe tomorrow I’ll try to…


Day 1126 of 365 Again. Today was the Steeler’s season opener. I was all prepared to take a pic in my studio of me wearing my Steelers’ jersey and celebrating our win. But as it got closer to midnight it started looking bad. The game ran late, and we were tied. At the end of…


Day 1109 of 365 Again. So I’ve spent the last couple months addicting Morgan to photography. Today we went out to buy her her first backdrop (these kids, they grow up so fast) She still really really really needs some lights, but it’s a good start. Anyway, I needed to take a picture for today…


Day 1101 of 365 Again. Five days in to the new set and I’m already defaulting to backup pictures. Sad. So very very sad. Sometimes I don’t know where the weekends go. I got a lot done this weekend. Both with the comic and with photography stuff for zivity. I got my fantasy football draft…


Day 1099 of 365 Again. I think I’m mostly over my flu. Mostly. I don’t really feel sick anymore, and I’m no longer sneezing, but I do have a crapton of phlegm in my lungs and I have a killer headache, probably from coughing non-stop for the past 4 days. But I’m getting better…. and…


Day 1080 of 365 Again. Tired… almost too tired to take a picture. But I got one off. It doesn’t really mean much of anything. Steph and I spent the morning doing yard work. My lawn was probably more than a week past when that should have been done, so now It’s pretty good looking.…


Day 1069 of 365 Again. I love comics. So much so that I even write my own. So it’s no wonder that like many other comics fans, Wednesdays are sacred to me. You see, Wednesday is New Comics Day. All over America, Wednesday is New Comic Day. There’s only one national distributor of comics in…