ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: December 2004

on party endorsements…

sui66iy mentioned this already, but I thought it was worth repeating. So, xthlc and jin_aili were driving around the US for their holiday visiting and had asked if they could crash at our place for a night. We ended up putting them up in the room in the attic. Matt sentt us thank-you mail that…

BS in Mackology: The science of flirting.

Still no real update, but I was inspired to repost this after a conversation with monkey587 earlier tonight. I originally wrote this for Epinions back in August of ’01. Originally written, I believe, for marmal8 and jameel, then shared with the world of epinions and now the world of livejournal. Hopefully it can help someone…

Protected: on party invitations

just sent out the invites to Last Minute Jam (the new years party). If you didn’t get one, then that likely means I either figure you wouldn’t come, or I didn’t know your email address, or maybe I just don’t like you. only one way to know for sure. show up for the party. In…