ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: April 2009


Day 979 of 365 Again. Do you know what I’m thinking? I bet you’re wrong. You know why? Because I’m not even sure myself. Today is day 979. There are exactly three weeks until I hit picture #1000! I’ve been phoning in a lot of pictures lately, but I kind of feel like 1000 days…


Day 978 of 365 Again. I really need to come up with some good photo ideas. I’ve totally been phoning it in lately. *sigh* Amaya, one of my four favorite Hellcats, is visting Pittsburgh this week for the first time in months. If you don’t know, the Cosmic Hellcats are based on my favorite models…


Day 976 of 365 Again. So I had my call back audition today. I have no idea how it went. It was supposed to be really quick, just meeting the director at noon and then waiting to hear back. Unfortunately, I guess they were having issues on set, so the other prospectives and I basically…


Day 975 of 365 Again. I wish I had started trying to get back in shape sooner. I got email last night asking me to come for a call back for the most recent movie extra part I went in for. They’re casting "fighters" for a scene involving a mixed martial arts tournament. If I…


Day 974 of 365 Again. I really need to find hobbies that don’t involve me working my ass off. Spent the entire day writing code for the Cosmic Hellcats website. Really subtle stuff that probably no one will notice, but that I think adds a lot to it. Now you can browse the comics by…


Day 973 of 365 Again. Didn’t really have a good idea for today, but since my mother loved it so much the last time I was playing with fire I thought I’d do some more. So yeah, only can I blow fire, I can also throw it. Pretty exciting huh? No photoshopping here other than…


Day 972 of 365 Again. Spent the evening trying to catch up on photos. Usually I only ever post like four or five photos at a time, and try to stretch things out, but I’m so far behind at the moment that I really need to just get through things. So as a special treat…

XVI-Tower 2

XVI-Tower 2

Usually I only post four or five photos from a shoot at a time, but I’m still running way behind, so I spent the evening editing my entire shoot with Jonny.

It’s rare that I find male models on Model Mayhem, and it’s even rarer that one contacts me. But Jonny did and volunteered for the Tarot deck. Which was perfect because he had exactly the right look for my redo of the Tower Card. He was looking for some TFCD work in my style and in particular liked some of my motifs I use a lot (martial arts weapons and the comic posterization for the tarot deck). So it all worked out pretty good.


Day 971 of 365 Again. So like I said, along with working out more, I’m dieting. Dieting means that I can’t have my favorite late-night snack, a PB&J sandwich. So instead I’ve replaced it with the next best thing. The Met-RX Big 100 protein brownie. Oh 30 grams of protein encapsulated in a nice solid…


Day 970 of 365 Again. Today is April 7th. It’s officially been spring for a little over two weeks. So explain something to me. WHY THE FUCK DID I HAVE TO BRUSH SNOW OFF MY TRUCK THIS MORNING!!!! Like now even just a little snow. Like a whole lot. And looking out the window it…


Day 969 of 365 Again. You know how you know you’ve had a good workout? When you’re 3.5 lbs lighter when you finish the workout than you were when you started. Ok, sure it’s water weight, not real weight. Sure I’ll put it back on through the day tomorrow, but it felt hella good to…


Day 968 of 365 Again. Here’s to getting shit done… I had a really productive day today. A couple days ago, both Newt, and my friend Mike wrote me within five minutes of each other to let me know that yet another film was casting for extras in Pittsburgh. We all know how much I…