ChrisMaverick dotcom



Day 481 of 365 More.

It’s bill day. You know, given where I was when i wasn’t working a few months ago, I’m really in MUCH better shape, but whenever bill day comes around, I just feel like I’m drowning. Another couple years and maybe I can come up for air…. maybe… God, I’ll be so much happier when I can fix the life I’ve made for myself.

Along that note, a couple positive things happened today. The new issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated is out. This is notable because it features an interview with my friend and former tag team partner Shiima Xion. Not only is it a big break for Shiima and I’m very happy for him (PWI is probably the biggest wrestling magazine in the World, except for the ones published by the WWE themselves), but they used a promo picture I took of him for the article. Sadly, I didn’t get paid for it, but hey, its a photo credit in an internationally syndicated magazine. I’ll take it.

I’ve also been working on redesigning Elseworld, the art website that Max and I created years and years ago. It really sucks right now, but hopefully in the near future it’ll be really cool and you’ll be able to go there and buy my photos, Max’s paintings and maybe the artwork of a couple other people. We’re working on it.

So maybe in a couple years I really will be happy. Here’s to hoping I live that long. Bills may not actually weigh enough to crush me when they’re raining down on my head, but damn, you can get one nasty paper cut.

365 days

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4 comments for “12-5-07

  1. December 6, 2007 at 12:32 am

    Cool! The photo & the news… not the bills. Congrats on the photo credit and tell Shiima congrats too!

    Anyway, I love these stop action pics!

    Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)

  2. December 6, 2007 at 10:13 am

    @lrayholly: thanks. Now if only I thought it would turn into something.

  3. December 9, 2007 at 11:55 pm

    i always love bill day… NOT!

    my personal favorites are the phone calls that go something like this…

    BC: well, can you do a check over the phone.
    Me: well, sure. i have the money sitting in the bank waiting for you to call.

    My personal fave was the guy that threatened to come seize all my assets. I told him i lived in a rented trailer on the family farm, drove a borrowed truck and had some loose change in my pocket, but he was more than happy to come seize my undershorts if he wanted. He informed me that he was going to have to report me as uncooperative. I was truly hurt by that.

  4. December 10, 2007 at 12:35 am

    @jwill9311: yeah, I love screwing with people when they call. Steph always thinks I’m mean.

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